Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Time Management and People Who Have None

Time Management and People Who Have None

I am a busy woman. Always have been. And, like most people, I have
very limited time on my hands. Therefore, when I have free time, I
cherish it. So when someone cannot balance their schedule and I am
forced to frivolously waste my time...I become a bit irate.

Why is it so difficult for people to a. Manage their time effectively,
and b. Respect other people's time enough to let others know when they
can or can't do something? It is something that rather infuriates me.
I know thy things come up from time to time, but come ON! In this age
of technology, a simple text message will suffice...IN ADVANCE. That
way, I can replan whatever it is I need to replan. Urggh!!

I need to go whoosah and find something else constructive to do so
that I can calm down. Until then...

Sent from my iPhone

K. Parris
"I got my start by giving myself a head start".
- Madame CJ Walker


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