Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ramblings Live and Direct from "Vacation"

So it's day 5 of my "vacation" from my full time gig. The beauty of working within a high school setting is that you are off when they are. Once this full time catering thing gets off the ground running, however, I'm sure that will all change. But for now...vacation, here I come! Or came. Whatever.

So you wanna know what I learned this week? It's a list, so here we go!

1. I know a LOT of people! I think I spent my entire week trying to catch up with everyone that I hadn't been able to see and/or hang out with in however long (months, as many of them reminded me).

2. My daughter, even when she is being annoying, is awesome. I love that kid.

3. My friends are veritable comedians. Aw man. The things some of them say. You just don't know, man. (Well, if you're my friend and you're reading this, then you do know. But I'm saying.)

4. I really do see the strangest things on a regular basis! Like, it's me, I swear to all yuh, it's me! Between the singing man with the sparkly hobo hat that kept switching wigs to sing about baby mamas and daddies (I couldn't make this up if I tried), to the rat and his family darting past us on the LIRR stairs to get to the first seat...seriously...I'm telling you, the strangest things happen to me.

5. I am REALLY cute!! (LOL)

6. Um...I am starting to like pink. All yuh, call in de calvary for meh, eh? I have hated pink ALL OF MY LIFE...and yet lately, I bought a pink coat (actually two pink coats, one magenta, one coral), my iPhone case is black and pink, the headphones, pink, the gloves, pink...hints of my bag are I turning into a girly girl??!? (This might constitute another blog...)

7. I give wonderful advice that I wonder if sometimes, if I were to listen to myself, would actually work for me. My plan? To give it a shot! What's the worst that could happen?

8. I'm struggling on focusing. As I write this, I am fighting the urge to work on that story that I keep meaning to finish. (If I had a dime, no, a dollar, for every story that I started to write that I never finished...)

9. I'm wondering if I'm ready to "use my cajones" yet.

10. After having given up unhealthy eating, and cursing (gave it up for Lent, let's see how far I can make it), drinking less (well, not this week, but prior to this) and depriving myself know...I wonder if I haven't done too much too fast. I feel like I'm frothing at the mouth a little. (If) When know what? I'm about to say too much...

11. Which is something else that I've learned. My mouth REALLY has no filter! I'm not sure if that's good or not...probably not...

I'm sure I've learned more, but *yawn*...

My ramblings for today...anyone care to share theirs?


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