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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Am I Ready For Love?

"I'd quickly give my freedom/To be held in your captivity/I am ready for love/All of the joy and the pain/And all the time that it takes/Just to stay in your good grace"India.Arie, "Ready For Love"  I've always asked myself if I knew what it means to love someone. I mean, I thought I did. When I was with my daughter's father (a topic that I have yet to touch on and I doubt that I ever will, at least not on here), I thought I loved him. I know that I was willing to give quite a bit of myself to ensure that we were happy and secure in whatever...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Use Your Words

Scene: You're sitting in your room, stressing. Looking at the ceiling in your room. Wondering why you can't just call and say what's on your mind. You stare at your phone. You put it away. You stare at the ceiling again. Next thing you know...the thing you want most has passed you by and now you mad. Curtain Call. It's over for that. It's 2010.  I know that sometimes,...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Being a Girl Sucks...A Lil Bit Sometimes

My running joke with my friends is that I am a male mind stuck in a female's body. When I was growing up, I did girl things like go to dance school and play with Barbie dolls. I also played the handball game 'suicide' and basketball with the boys at school, collected basketball cards, watched basketball and football, etc etc. As I got older, I found myself relating more...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ramblings Live and Direct from "Vacation"

So it's day 5 of my "vacation" from my full time gig. The beauty of working within a high school setting is that you are off when they are. Once this full time catering thing gets off the ground running, however, I'm sure that will all change. But for now...vacation, here I come! Or came. Whatever. So you wanna know what I learned this week? It's a list, so here we go! 1. I know a LOT of people! I think I spent my entire week trying to catch up with everyone that I hadn't been able to see and/or hang out with in however long (months, as many...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Call Me the Anti AutoTune, Pro VDay TweetHead

"This is Death of Autotune/Moment of Silence" - Jay-Z What more fitting way to start this rambling? By now, most of us have heard this song by neighborhood dealer turned multi million dollar rapper mogul Jay-Z (yes, I went in that deep, I'm an admitted Jay-Z fan). When this song dropped, it didn't really matter that I had my eyebrows raised at the fact that my retired rapper aficionado was coming out with yet another album, all that mattered was that he said "Death to Autotune"!! YESS!!! At last, someone laid claim to my undying HATRED of the...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Growing Pains

I lost a friend recently. It was painful. You will recall me talking about getting into an argument with a good friend of mine, and questioning whether or not I made the right choice by bringing her into my inner circle. We got into it again recently and she made the decision to make her feelings known on two very popular social media forums, even going so far as to tag me in the posts, instead of talking to me and trying to get me to understand what she was thinking and/or going through. Obviously these are the very BASE details, but it got...

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