Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ramblings Live and Direct from "Vacation" - Part Deux

Once again, it is 'vacation' time over here in KP world. All this means is that I have more time to spend with my shorty doo wop and to work on my business stuff. There's always a lot going on in my world. So it's time for more semi-classic ramblings of mine. Here goes:

1. I need a personal assistant. No, really, I do. I'm great with ideas and I'm good with follow through and being motivated. It's my organization that is poorly lacking. I need someone to keep me focused when I get excited and come up with another 'idea'. Seriously...any takers? Inquire within...

2. I always manage to care for the ones who don't feel nearly the same way about me. I am sure this is because I don't know what I'm looking for or what I truly want. I feel like an 'option'. It frustrates me because all I want sometimes is for them to feel the way I do. And then I remind myself of how unrealistic this is and I go back to working on me and waiting until my time comes.

3. I say this time and time again: tell me when something's bothering you that I did. If you were able to tell someone else, that means it was a big enough deal and it bothered you enough to mention it. I don't know what is so difficult about this to understand. I hate when I find out after the fact. Hate it. Really and truly. No. Really. I hate it. Stop the madness.

4. Above my left elbow itches. I scratched my other arm itches. It's like the traveling itch up in here.

5. People are always so tickled when I 'start speaking West Indian'. *stare* Um...right.

6. I've been rather emo all day. I'm sure it's a post menstrual thing. I always get it after. Not before.

7. The natural filter that I have built in that prompts me to use tact is paper thin lately. I think it's because I'm bunless. I'm going to have to work on that.

8. I still have not the faintest clue of what love is or what I want. One day, I'm thinking with "Miss Thang". The next, I'm thinking with my heart. Wait...not my heart. You know how I feel about my heart. But you get where I'm going with this.

9. One of these days, I'm going to seriously get someone who enjoys cleaning up. Because I hate it. I like to create. I hate to clean. And yet, I have to have an organized kitchen. I'm weird, I know. That's why these are my 'ramblings'

10. Everything is annoying me right now. I feel like talking to someone and yet I feel like talking to no one. Maybe that's why I'm writing this blog.

11. Maxwell is playing on Pandora right now. I am changing the song. I'm not a fan of this one. *switches song* (by not a fan, I mean of the song playing. Not of Maxwell. I love Maxwell. If Maxwell were to show up at my door right now, I'd talk to allyuh in another week or four.)

12. I want a Happily Ever After. I also want buns. Badly. I know the two don't really least, not the way that you're thinking as you read this. Uggh. I've GOT to stop thinking with Miss Thang.

I'm done rambling for now. Maybe I just need to lay down. Later, peeps...


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