Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Mondays, All!! =o)

I woke up in a fantastic mood this morning. 

Nope, I didn't win the lottery.

Yes, I still had to go to work. 

No, I didn't get any or anything like that. 

I woke up in a good mood for two reasons: 1. Because I SLEPT! LOL...Yeah, I know, who'da thunk something so simple would actually work! And because 2. For whatever reason, I just feel like everything is going to work itself out for the better. And I genuinely believe it. 

Right now, everything is in place. Business items are coming together...friends are working it out...lots of opportunities are in the air, being happy, and even work is going well. And sure, there are lots of things in the air that I'm going to have to address in order to continue to feel this sense of contentment. But as it stands right now, I am happy, I am in a good mood, and everything is in place. This pleases me. (It doesn't hurt that someone out there is thinking of me, either. *slow smile*)

So if you see me skip past you this morning...I'm just rubbing some of my good mood off on you. Grab some while it's here and you can! *wink*

What do you do when you find yourself in a good mood? What does it take for you to be in a good mood?


What does it take for me to be in a good mood?
Not much except maybe the perfect alignment of everything I want lol!

I'm in a good mood today because I have an interview @ 4pm, wish me luck!

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