Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dear Twitter: Clear Plastic Bra Straps and Stuff with Substance

I was talking to my 'tweep' The Absentminded Oracle on Twitter earlier today, and she was tweeting about how she saw this young lady in clear plastic bra straps and how she didn't know who's bright idea that was, she could still see them.

Definite cosign.

I mean, really. It's a bra strap. We've already established that whoever's bright idea it was to invent the bra evidently did not take into consideration comfort initially (and contrary to popular belief, women invented bras). Why would you assume that a plastic bra strap would not be seen? Um...I just want people to focus here. And then people just wear them so...brazenly (no pun intended) if we don't see the clear piece of plastic now stuck to your shoulder blade. Invest in a good strapless bra. They even make them in my size. What's my size? I'm SOO not telling.

Moving on.

I like to go blog hopping from time to time. I enjoy reading about various different points of view and tomfoolery.  Some of my good friends' blog have me nodding my head in agreement or laughing until tears come out of my eyes. Really and truly. I like to read, period. What I've been noticing as of late is that many great blogs have been going unread, in favor (And, for the record, I LOVE shoes. With an undying passion.) Either shoes...or gossip...or just stupid, silly, unimportant things. And I guess some of that is because we are a society that thrives on gossip and being in other people's business. What I can't understand is, why do so many of us claim to want to live positively and be 'drama free', but then follow the drama like bees follow people eating food?

In twitter speak, wheredeydodat@?

I guess what is important to people is relative. Sometimes, people enjoy reading/or looking at drama (read: "train wreck") because it's entertaining. I can honestly say that I do laugh sometimes when I see drama unfold in the streets. But it's usually an uncomfortable laughter...more like "sheesh. some people are just ok with embarassing themselves". I don't know that I'd seek that out for entertainment, though. Or maybe it's just that I'm too serious. *ponders this* No...I don't think that's it. I LOVE laughing. I dunno.

Is there a fashion faux pas that irritates you? What do you find entertaining? When you read something, what about it excites or compels you?


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