Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sagittarius KP Woes (A New Season)

I am one of the most passionate people you know. Truly. Take that whatever way you'd like.

I kiss.

I tell.

I exude confidence and uncertainty all at the same time.

And I am approaching a new season.

I truly believe that people do not ever change: they simply adapt to the situation that they are in until a) the situation changes in such a manner that they feel free to expose more of their true self, or b) until their true self seeps out unexpectedly. What changes is a person's situation, their surroundings, and the people in their lives. That's about it.

With that said, as a Sagittarius, I have found myself evaluating recently what I say to people: any person, be it a close friend or a distant acquaintance. By now, depending on how long you have been following my ramblings, you probably have noticed my internal battles with not just what I say and how I say it, but with speaking from the heart first and the mind second. I don't ever regret what I say to people or how I say it...I simply find myself questioning whether or not I should say anything at all.

I observe much more than the average person realizes. One thing that I have noticed when saying something in my traditional 'no filter' fashion is a person's outward laughter - but their body language cringes. I find it interesting to watch people's reactions to me and what I say. That isn't the purpose of this post, though. I have been censoring myself more and more for a number of reasons, the largest being that I'm not sure that my thoughts are for everyone. Those of you that are reading this that truly know me may be ready to cut me off now and say, "OK, cut it out". But I'm serious. I find myself wanting to say more and more less and less. Especially when it comes to the opposite sex.

A true Sagittarius enters potential relationships with an open mind and their guards up. If they see potential, the guards come crashing down. Why? Because if a Sagittarius likes you, they give their everything. (at least, the Sags I know are like that.) The obvious issue with this is, unless you find your soul mate after the first shot, are you giving your everything to each person you meet until you meet that 'one'? The obvious response to this should be 'no'...and the average person will say, 'well, stop giving your all to every damn body yuh meet, yuh rass...' (oh. wait. that's me who'd say that).

And it is currently what I am saying to myself. I am such an honest person that I realize I can reveal too much about me in my honest revelries. Sometimes, the people that other people surround themselves with are not the right match for you. As a result, they don't need to know your business. I have to remind myself of this every time I gather the urge to be too honest. The other thing is - for me - that I am coming upon this new season where my self-analysis is at an all time high. This will mean more being critical of me - and less to say. Sometimes...less is more. Seriously.

What do you think? Thoughts, please...


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