So this past weekend, my Dashing Divas (we shall call them Chef (me), International, Fashionista, and Ivy League) and I went to Atlantic City to release some tension, go on vacation, divas, of course. We got the chance to hang out and be splendiferously (yes, this is a word today) fabulous. Check us out!

Now. During one of our many visits to the various casino buffets (I've been eating better, so I kept it healthy), we got to talking about relationships. And sex. And more relationships. But definitely about sex. I love hearing different points of view on matters of the heart, amongst other things. We touched on some taboo topics (which I will not elaborate on to protect the innocent...*wink*), as well as some deep seated matters of the heart. We talked about sugar daddies, older men, the perfect wedding, getting what you want out of a relationship, the definition of love, etc. One of the more interesting topics that came up were the extent that one would go to in order to ensure happiness.
So I asked myself: what do I need to be happy? I mean, there's my daughter. She's a big portion of it. There's my business. Being a business woman definitely makes me happy. My family and friends, of course. But when it comes to that romantic happy, that happy when your soul stretches every morning, it smiles and then the world smiles with you, that 'I cannot wait to see (insert partner's name or nickname here)' giddyness...well, what do I need for that to be happy? Am I even prepared to be happy? Allyuh already know how I feel about relationships and love...
So I ask you, my readers: what are your requirements for romantically emotional happiness? Speak...ponder...discuss...
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