I’ve learned that there are lots of people who don’t know how to deal with their inner demons and emotions – and as a result, they hold grudges. I learned this because when I was younger, I was the same way. I’ve learned that there are lots of people who don’t know or understand how to deal with their feelings – and so they lock them away. I learned this from experience and because, to a certain extent, I still do this, too. I’ve learned that perfectionists have a difficult time accepting flaws and excuses in others – and even more in themselves – and that this aspect of perfectionism is not healthy. I learned this because…well…I am a perfectionist.
There is a lot going on in everyone’s life at any given moment. Some people smile to hold on to the tears, while others let them rip, whether they want them to or not. Others absorb themselves in activity to hide their issues. Others run from their problems. Perhaps they’ll stay as far away from reality as possible and crucify those who introduce reality to them. Others even still create problems where there are none because they’d rather deal with conflict than the choice of happiness. There is always something in someone’s life that gives them pause, that causes them to want to retreat, that tires them out.
What I am learning in all that I have going on is that life is short. Life is too short to lose what is important to you. It is too short to live unhappily. It is too short to beat yourself up over mistakes, and it is too short to hold a grudge. It is too short not to forgive. You don't ever have to forget, and you should take every lesson in as it comes...but stop looking for reasons not to live and enjoy your life. It's too short not to...and too many of us do.
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